In case you were unable to join us on October 14th at our Annual Meeting, this was my message to the membership. My wife, Liz and I live on Joshua Jethro Road. I am pleased to serve as the Association President.
Riverbay is a special place. It is more than a GPS location. It is a neighborhood, a friendly place, a large community unto itself, an Association of friends. We are a welcoming group that has flourished on a foundation of volunteerism. Riverbay has a HISTORY. Riverbay originated in 1962 - over time the neighborhood grew and people developed a set of by-laws. The by-laws were last amended on October 17, 2004. These articles can be accessed through
Our Association is an organization with a PURPOSE. Our dual mission is first, to maintain the character of Riverbay as a desirable residential area. Second, to develop community spirit in the Association, promote responsibility among its members to build and maintain residences which will be a credit to Riverbay, and to foster the development, enhancement, protection and enjoyment of all property rights of the members.
We are a sizable community of 393 residences that continually EVOLVES - with an annual 5% turnover of properties. Over time this evolution can fade the collective understanding of our history. But the changing neighborhood can also be a net positive force bringing an infusion of energy, diversity and new ideas. One role of the Board is to bridge our common sense of history while incorporating new initiatives to align with our mission statement. For example, two recent suggestions ask for the Association to promote a "Spring Clean-up" for unwanted brush and/or invasive plantings and to facilitate a plant swop.
As President of our Association I hope to encourage and facilitate two way COMMUNICATION between membership and the Board. The Board has begun posting Board Meeting Minutes on and will attempt to respond in a timely fashion to all inquiries and observations.
Jack Scheld, November, 2023Below are links to the lastest testing results for the two ponds within Riverbay along with general information about life within ponds.
Notice about events:
Riverbay Association events are intended to follow all Massachusetts and Chatham guidelines for safety from Covid-19, and we want to hold events at which Riverbay residents will feel safe and comfortable.